I recently finished my masters degree in biotechnology at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and throughout my studies I have found it incredibly useful to illustrate my coursework in fun ways. It makes it so much easier to understand and remember!
Some of my drawings were printed as posters and hang on the walls of the master student study rooms at NMBU. Now I’ve also realized the dream of sharing my drawings with a wider audience by launching fancyfacts.info. I have also set up a patreon at patreon.com/fancyfacts, but their setup means that you have to scroll through a lot of paywalled posts inbetween the posts you have access to. I also plan to use that page to share some behind-the-scenes stuff that might not interest everyone.
I’ll appreciate it a lot if you want to support me on patreon, but I’ll also keep this site as a place where you can scroll through all my freely available comics uninterrupted.
I also hope my comics can help students understand and remember easier and educators to convey (sometimes) difficult topics in a more approachable manner. Not all my facts are difficult, not all of them are fun, but all of them are fancy and I’m really happy to be able to share them with you!